jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

1808's email

  This morning, I checked my email to see if someone had though about me, even if it was to try to sell me something. As usual, there was nothing at all. I was about to start writing a blog post when a pop-up announed that I had just received an email. I slid the mouse in the mouse pad, I clicked on it and I saw it came from a social network called 'Antbook' and it also contained a PDF attachment. Whom would it be from? Will be from the CIA or any of those agencies which are constantly watching us?

  I downloaded the file as fast as I could, without thinking about it twice, as if I was a bullfighter waiting on my kees for the bull to get out.

  Oh! What a surprise! It's from 1808! Wow! He's the best! I was sure I would hear from him. 1808 in not one of those who forget their friends. All right, all right! Don't get exasperated, I will show you his message now. You shouldn't be nervous because in the end, I am the addressee of the message, even though I like to share it with you:

    Dear Big Shoes,
I'm writing this message from the Riviera Ant. This is heaven, as you can imagine. I don't remember the walks looking for food, nor going up and down the shelves of the central warehouse, the telltale ant or my whipping boss.

   Here I only need to worry about my three little ants who are demanding my attention all day long.

Now a sand castle, then a wheat ice, then they are bored, then they can't stop laughing, then they quarrel... They can't stop! But of course, I enjoy the lava's light, the warm water and also ducking some of my little ants from time to time, you know, to release some adrenaline, haha.

 I hope you are not very cold, Big Shoes, and also that the rain is not preventing you from walking as you usually do.  Watch out or else you will get carried away and won't notice anything.

  I must leave now, I can hear my wife screaming that those little devils of ants are climbing up some roots and are going to fall. Oh, God! The life of a summer holidaymaker is really hard! 

See you soon, Big Shoes!

   What a great ant 1808 is. He has made my day today, I hope that the 'suffering' derived from being a summer holidaymaker does not last longer and that he is suntanned when he comes back.

Traductora: Virginia Ruiz

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