sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

Skype for ants

"¡1808!, ¡1808! Damn! This doesn't work or this ant has his head in the clouds. He kept saying 'call me via Skype! It's so easy' Well... It might be easy, but I've been half an our trying and this doesn't work, the connection  does not work, nothing works. I can't see 1808's antennas anywhere. I don't know if it's my fault or my friend's Skype can't connect to Anternet".

"It's Fast Ant here. Over and out. Is there anybody there...? Over and out."

"Hey! 1808, don't tease me!"

"Don't get angry. I was at the sauna and, as you can understand, I was not going to be in front of a camera on my birthday suit. I'm

not like Antonia Dell'Atte. That woman has nothing to do with ants, except for

the first letters of her name."

"Allright, allright. Fighting with technology makes me very nervous. I can't help it."

"I've noticed that. And I've heard you cursing as well.

Listen, with these devices it is better to relax and treat them as if they were children. Then, everything is easy and natural.  But if you try to control it using that rigid mind full of holes like a gruyere cheese, I'm afraid you'll find it very difficult." 

"I know. But that's easier said than done. Haven't you ever got angry with the connection or with the tablet?"

"Well, I could say no, but I must confess that sometimes I've nearly lost my antennas and mind. But don't tell anyone."

"Allright, allright."

"But, tell me, what did you want?"

"In fact, nothing special, just saying hello".

"Are you telling me that I've gone out of a relaxing

bath in the waters of the Vesubio Lake just for that reason?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, 1808. I'm so sorry."

"I was joking. I'm very happy that you remember

me. It's a pleasure to speak with you.  I

must leave now. I'm completely wet and I'm beginning to be very cold".

"See you soon, 1808."

"See ya, Big Shoes."

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